library-stats-logo® is an independent agency dedicated to providing comprehensive statistics on the usage and popularity of software libraries and packages globally. Our mission is to deliver objective, accurate, and up-to-date data across all major package managers, including but not limited to NPM, Yarn, Pip, Maven, Brew and NuGet.

Fully cross platform!

Download Statistics:library-stats tracks and reports the number of downloads for software libraries and packages, offering insights into trends, growth, and usage patterns. Our privacy-preserving partnerships allow us to count internal usage stats uniquely per organizations globally.
Cross-Platform Coverage:Our industry-first approach to collecting data encompasses a wide range of package managers and distributions, ensuring a holistic view of the software ecosystem.
Real-Time Updates: Utilizing advanced data gathering techniques, we provide timely and relevant statistics to keep our users informed of the latest developments.

Our Approach

Data Integrity: We prioritize the accuracy and reliability of our statistics through rigorous validation processes.
Transparency: Our methodologies and data sources are openly documented, allowing for transparency and verifiability.
Independence: As an independent entity, our sole focus is on delivering unbiased data and analysis.

Who We Serve

Developers: Gain insights into the popularity and usage of libraries and packages to make informed decisions for your projects.
Organizations: Assess the impact and reach of your own libraries, or understand dependencies and the software landscape to strategize development and investments.
Researchers: Access a rich dataset for academic or market research, analyzing trends and patterns in software development practices.

Preamble is committed to being the most trusted source for library and package statistics worldwide. Through our dedicated efforts, we aim to empower the software development community with the data needed to navigate the complex landscape of software dependencies and innovations.